May Your Curls Kiss The Sky


When my hair was relaxed, people would always tell me that I had beautiful hair for a black girl. Now, it was not dripping down my back like pocahontas, but it was however fine in texture, straight and thick. It never occured to me that they were actually insulting the roots not only on my head, but on the heads of every naturally curly, kinky and coily girl to ever grace this earth. Why is it that we long for features that donot belong to us? Why is it that every time we have special occasions, we feel we must manipulate our hair shaft, and straighten it?  Maybe its because we have not been taught to love the nappiness of our own hair. 

Now, I must be honest. I was once a woman who did not take full advantage of the beautiful curls that possess my head. I, instead, manipulated, damaged and even disrespected the hair God gave me. I straightened it with every opportunity, and I justified it by demanding that "THIS IS ME." It wasnt me however, it was a false sense of beauty that I was searching for. It was years of feeling inadequate to biracial girls. It was vain.

I must clarify however. I do not think that being natural is the only way to love yourself. I believe love comes in many forms, and by being comfortable and who you are means that you love yourself. This means that those of you whom are relaxed, all power to you. For me, however, natural is the way to go. It means I dont have to hide my blackness, my nappiness, or my roots. It means I can be exactly who I am, with no faulter. It means I can love every piece of me, just the way it is. 

There are alot of girls who struggle with their hair. It may be too thin, too damaged, to nappy, or too fine. I want women to embrace the natural hair process, and not just reap the bennefits. Going natural doesnt just mean you change your hair. It means you are on a journey to find beauty within yourself. Embrace the process. Love the struggle. And MAY YOUR CURLS KISS THE SKY.

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